Thursday, December 6, 2012

Overkill: DeLorean Taxi Concept

DeLorean Taxi Concept

So what does advertising executive Mike Lubrano say when a client asks for a distinguishable, unconventional piece of promotion material? Say... a DeLoran DMC-12s, dressed up to look like a New York Taxi. He says “yes”.

Conventional wisdom would have thought wristwatch maker Nooka, who commissioned the project, would have been happy with something a little less ostentatious, but then again, they are known for creating wristwatches with uncharacteristic designs. Normal DeLoreans are known for sporting a glare-inducing stainless steel finish - a finish that requires owners to actually hire a cab for any ride farther than the end of their driveway, for fear of a bank-breaking dent.

Nooka's DeLorean, however, is finished in a suitable taxi-yellow paint job, complete with official looking New York taxi decals. Various other paraphernalia include the natural addition of a rooftop sign to promote the brand. Don't expect to see this anytime soon, however, as it sits as solely as a computer rendered concept at this time. But then again, Nooka did set out to create an advertising vehicle that emphasized form over function - so the car is right. Maybe we'll see it after all.

If this concept ever gets made, our hearts truly do go out to the unlucky driver tasked with enduring the endless variations of "can this thing go 88mph?"

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